Hidden runewords Drekavac - gloves Vesta - sacred sorc armor Rahab - orbs; scepters Manta - knifes; sacred maces (sacred mace, sacred flail, sacred morning star) Ahriman - belts Black Mamba - sacred poleaxe; sacred hand of god Wintermute - circlet, coronet, tiara, diadem; bone helm, mask Hibagon - boots Santa Compana - staffs Orisha - necromancer's crossbows Nahemah - assassin claws (katars); амазонские копья (maiden spear, maiden pike) Lohengrin - amazon helms (morion, cervelliere, einherjar helm, spangenhelm) Oriflamme - hand of god Shamash - druid bows - compound bow, serpent bow, maple bow, viper bow, recurve bow Lahmu - barb swords (spatha, backsword, ida, bronze sword, kriegmesser); polearms ---------------------------------------------- Secret runewords ZodZodZodZodZodZod - any armor ZodZodZodZodZodZod - any weapon El - any armor El - any weapon ElElElElElEl - any weapon Any Jewel x 1 - 6 - any armor or weapon